remapgl - v2.4.4


Declarative Mapbox GL bindings <🌎>

Quickly and easily create Mapbox GL maps with React components.


yarn add remapgl


Components accept most of the properties described in the Mapbox GL documentation as props.

Create a map

The root component of a map is RemapGL, all other components must be children of RemapGL.

import { RemapGL } from "remapgl";

export function App() {
return <RemapGL accessToken="your access token" />;

Add Markers to a map

import { Marker, RemapGL } from "remapgl";

export function App() {
return (
<RemapGL accessToken="your access token">
<Marker lnglat={{ lng: -68.2954881, lat: 44.3420759 }} />

Map layers

Layer order in the map is controlled by the order of the elements in the array provided to <LayerCollection> via its layers prop.

import { CircleLayer, CirclePaint } from "mapbox-gl";
import { FeatureCollection, Geometry } from "geojson";
import { LayerCollection, RemapGL } from "remapgl";

export function App() {
return (
<RemapGL accessToken="your access token">
<LayerCollection layers={layerData} />

const data: FeatureCollection<Geometry, Record<string, any>> = {
features: [
geometry: {
coordinates: [-68.18928528, 44.32134247],
type: "Point"
properties: {
title: "Thunder Hole"
type: "Feature"
type: "FeatureCollection"

const paint: CirclePaint = {
"circle-color": "#222",
"circle-radius": {
base: 1.15,
stops: [
[10, 5],
[14, 5]
"circle-stroke-color": "#FFF",
"circle-stroke-opacity": 0.8,
"circle-stroke-width": {
base: 1.15,
stops: [
[10, 3],
[14, 3]

const layerData: CircleLayer[] = [
id: "black",
source: { data, type: "geojson" },
type: "circle"

Other controls

import {
} from "remapgl";

export function App() {
return (
<RemapGL accessToken="your access token">
<AttributionControl />
<FullscreenControl />
<GeolocateControl />
<NavigationControl showCompass showZoom />
<ScaleControl />

Control instance members

remapgl adopts a similar convention regarding Mapbox GL controls as React does for HTML DOM objects. Components that wrap a Mapbox GL control, which exposes instance members, support the MbxObj interface. A callback function provided to such a component's obj prop will be invoked with a single argument that is the current instance of the Mapbox GL control.

The following components support the MbxObj interface:

  • RemapGL: returns mapboxgl.Map.
  • Marker: returns: mapboxgl.Marker.
  • MapPopup: returns mapboxgl.Popup.
  • GeolocateControl: returns mapboxgl.GeoLocateControl.

In the following example the GeolocateControl returns the underlying Mapbox GL control which is used to trigger the request to start using geo-location.

import { GeolocateControl, RemapGL } from "remapgl";

export function App() {
return (
<RemapGL accessToken="your access token">
<GeolocateControl obj={control => control.trigger()} />